I work at a fashion boutique here in Dallas and today a girl came in whose attitude completely blessed my day. She wasn't really overly friendly or one of the over the top kind of girls. She was simple: yoga pants, cute tee, and black flip flops. She had long black hair pulled into low pigtails and was a small athletic build. She picked out at baby t-shirt similar to the one she was wearing, went into the dressing room, and came out with a smile from ear to ear. She said this shirt is "so me." She brooded over two different patterns in the same style of shirt and walked to the check out. She spotted our line of inspirational necklaces out loud with taken aback inspiration. She read them off one by one: "balance"," "be yourself, everyone else it already taken," "create," and so on. As I finished ringing her up she politely smiled at me and simply said, "I wish everyone knew how to live that way." And with that she took her bag and left with a grateful thanks.
This girl possessed a zest for life. She had confidence and was truly proud of who she was. I began thinking what it would be life if we all had that need to inspire and be inspired. How much different would the world be? What if we each were determined to bless one person each day. I'm talking like going back to the old days when people actually had real conversation instead of just ones in cyberspace. What if we took the time to slow down for 2 minutes and take the time to ask someone how they "really" are and carry on a positive encouraging conversation. What if we did that with everyone we met. What if we smiled at the police officer who just wrote you a ticket instead of flipping him off when he walks back to his light flashing police car, or help a sweet lady carry her groceries to her car. Not only would we leave a flicker of hope and happiness everywhere we went, it would take our minds of ourselves and onto the people around us.
Zest. Do you have what it takes?
This video is amazing and also a blessing!!! Enjoy!!!--->
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